Analisis Dampak Polusi Udara Boezem Morokrembangan Terhadap Kesehatan Lingkungan Akademi Angkatan Laut


  • Moh Shofii Noorman Management Pertahanan Matra Laut AAL Aspek Darat
  • Fahris Nurhuda Management Pertahanan Matra Laut AAL Aspek Darat



Pollution, Contamination, Pollutants


Oxygen breaks down chemicals in water into simpler parts. As a result of oxygen's ability to oxidize with pollutants, such as organic components, the pollutants are not harmful. Environmental pollution, also known as pollution, is when living things, energy substances, and/or other elements enter the environment, or when the environmental order is changed by human activities or by natural processes so that the quality of the environment decreases to a certain level that causes the environment to be less or unable to function according to its function (Basic Law on Environmental Management No. 4 of 1982). Environmental pollution events are called pollution. Pollutants are substances or materials that have the ability to pollute the environment. When a substance meets the requirements to be a pollutant, it is called a pollutant. For illustration, the level of carbon dioxide in the air of 0.033% is beneficial to plants, but higher levels can cause damage. When air quality exceeds the set standard quality values, namely emission and ambient air quality, it is called "polluted air". If the air quality worsens due to activities, but is still below the quality standard, then "Air is not polluted, only a decrease in air quality". The air quality standard limits the levels of CO2 and CO gases, as well as the boezem itself, which produces an unpleasant odor in the environment. This odor comes from the boezem itself, where there is a lot of garbage, perhaps most of it from the domestic waste of the surrounding residents. The health of AAL personnel is not affected by the presence of the Morokrembangan Boezem. The results of measurements carried out on November 8, 2019 at 08:55, with the AAL position at 7 ° 3'38.40 "E 112 ° 42'51.91, showed that there were several variables that exceeded the quality standard which would certainly have a negative impact on the environment, such as the content of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and ammonia which are still on the threshold.


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How to Cite

Moh Shofii Noorman, & Fahris Nurhuda. (2024). Analisis Dampak Polusi Udara Boezem Morokrembangan Terhadap Kesehatan Lingkungan Akademi Angkatan Laut. Amphibious Journal, 1(2), 18–31.