Serbuan Vaksinasi Covid-19 untuk Masyarakat Guna Membantu Mempercepat Penyebaran Vaksin Covid-19


  • Umar Winarno Akademi Angkatan Laut
  • Luh Putu Surya H Akademi Angkatan Laut
  • Kustianing Sekar D Akademi Angkatan Laut
  • Rendi Afrian Akademi Angkatan Laut



Vaccination, New Normal, Covid-19, Vaccination Rush


The rush of vaccinations for the community is very important because it can help accelerate the spread of the Covid-19 vaccine, thereby minimizing the number of people infected with Covid-19. The purpose of this Community Service is to help the community be calmer in carrying out a new life in the Covid-19 pandemic called the new normal, by always implementing health protocols, namely wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance.  This activity was supported by a team of lecturers, a team of cadets, volunteers of the Jalapati team, and health workers of the AAL Health unit. Vaccination is carried out for several periods from  October 5, 2020, to April 27, 2022, and in several places, namely at the Al Muttaqiin Kenjeran Mosque, AL-Rodlotul Jannah Gedangan Mosque, AL Ukhuwah Candi Mosque and AL Karomah Kramat Jegu Banyuwangi Mosque;    Masjid At Taqwa Dewaruci Pesapen AAL;  Gresik District Health Office, Slempit Gresik Health Center and Kedamean Gresik Health Center;  Satkes Lanal Malang, Malang City Health Office, Malang Regency Health Office, Batu City Health Office, Pasuruan PKK Chairman, Blitar Health Office, Srengat Blitar Hospital and Kademangan Blitar Health Center; Lamongan Health Office;  Bhinor Paiton Probolinggo Village;  Probolinggo Health Office; Mandangin Sampang Madura;  Halong Pier and Morokrembangan Kalianak Fishing Village;  ICC Propan Raya Paint Factory Sidoarjo Branch; Surabaya Shipping Science Polytechnic; Educity Apartment Perum Pakuwon City Complex; Pasar Turi Station Surabaya. The implementation of vaccination is guided by: Decree of the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control Number HK.02.02/4/ 1/2021 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Vaccination in the Context of Overcoming the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid -19) Pandemic, Circular Letter HK.02.01/I/2007/2021 concerning Covid-19 Vaccination for Pregnant Women and Screening Adjustments in the Implementation of Covid-19 Vaccination, as well as Circular Number: HK.02.02/II/252/2022 concerning Vaccination  Covid-19 Advanced Dose (Booster).


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How to Cite

Umar Winarno, Luh Putu Surya H, Kustianing Sekar D, & Rendi Afrian. (2025). Serbuan Vaksinasi Covid-19 untuk Masyarakat Guna Membantu Mempercepat Penyebaran Vaksin Covid-19. Jurnal Naval Dedication : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat AAL, 1(1), 01–23.