Pembinaan Nelayan di Desa Binaan Wisata Bahari Mangrove Medoan Ayu Surabaya
Marine Tourism, Piers, Assisted VillagesAbstract
Medokan Ayu Marine Tourism Surabaya is a PPM AAL Community service assisted village, which is included in the Long-term PPM AAL Community Service program, and every year is programmed with activities that continue to be provided according to the needs of the community, especially fishermen, to help to improve the welfare of fishermen who scavenge fortunes in Medokan Ayu marine tourism. The implementation of community service activities in Medokan Ayu marine tourism will be carried out from January to May 2022. The results of the activities are: 1) the construction of the Medokan Ayu Marine Tourism Pier, 2) the provision and installation of 2 Gazebos on the pier, and 3) the provision of ceramics to be installed at the pier. It is recommended that the development of Medokan Ayu marine tourism, continue to be carried out until it can contribute to improving the welfare of the community, especially fishermen.
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