Analisis Fungsi Sintaksis pada Kolom Flora Fauna Majalah Bobo
sentence function, Bobo magazine, cyntaxisAbstract
This research aims to analyze the function of sentences in the flora and fauna column contained in the Bobo magazine editions dated 2 and 9 November 2023. This research was carried out using descriptive qualitative methods. The object studied in this research is the edition of Bobo magazine dated 2 and 9 November 2023. The data in this research are in the form of sentences in the flora and fauna column contained in the edition of Bobo magazine dated 2 and 9 November 2023. The data in this research was obtained using the note-taking technique. . The aim of this research is to analyze the function of sentences at the syntactic level. The results of the research show that there are 19 sentences and they have different patterns, in the flora column of the 2 November 2023 edition there is 1 sentence with the pattern S and P, 3 sentences with the pattern S, P, and O, 1 sentence with the pattern S, P, and K, and 2 sentences with the pattern S, P, O, and K. Meanwhile in the fauna column of the 9 November 2023 edition there are 3 sentences with the pattern S, P, and O, 2 sentences with the pattern S, P, and K, 4 sentences with the pattern S , P, O, and K, 1 sentence with the pattern S, P, O, and Pel, 1 sentence with the pattern S, P, K, and Pel, and 1 sentence with the complete pattern S, P, O, K, and Pel
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