Optimalisasi Sertifikasi Bendahara Pengeluaran Guna Meningkatkan Kinerja Akun di Akademi Angkatan Laut
certification, expenditure treasurer, performanceAbstract
The State Finance, as regulated in Law Number 17 of 2003, requires adequate oversight in its management. Consideration in determining the oversight for financial treasurer is done by assessing it from external and internal factors. The importance of expenditure treasurer certification in supporting performance within the unit is also highly needed. The success of an institution in realizing a work program depends on an expenditure treasurer who manages all financial inflows and outflows within the institution to facilitate the implementation of a work program. This research is conducted due to several issues, including frequent delays in allowances for Naval Academy Cadets and suboptimal performance of the Expenditure Treasurer at the Naval Academy. Meanwhile, the purpose of this research is to find solutions to address the existing problems, for which the author collects data through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The research results indicate that the quality of performance of the Expenditure Treasurer at the Naval Academy is still suboptimal, primarily due to vacant positions in the Expenditure Treasurer role within the Naval Academy. The position of Expenditure Treasurer is held by an officer who structurally does not hold that position. Additionally, the officer also holds more than one position, resulting in suboptimal performance of the Expenditure Treasurer. Administratively, to strengthen the position professionally in the financial field, the certification of Expenditure Treasurer is required according to PMK No. 126/PMK.05/2016. However, the current Expenditure Treasurer has not undergone certification because there is no certification for first-level officers within the Navy environment.
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