Pembuatan Eco Enzyme sebagai Upaya Pengolahan Sampah Organik Menjadi Detergent yang Berguna Bagi Masyarakat
Eco Enzyme, Organic Material, Soft Eco EnzymeAbstract
Eco enzyme is a fermentation liquid from organic waste, namely fruit or vegetable peels, which are stamped with brown sugar or molasses and water. The ratio between brown sugar or molasses, organic matter (BO), and water is 1:3:10. There are many benefits of eco enzymes, from the results of research and testimonials of eco enzyme users in the field. The benefits of eco enzymes include soil fertilization, water purification, for disinfectants, hand soap, and detergents, to nourish hair, floor cleaners, healers for injuries, and so on. The implementation of this community service activity was carried out 2 times, namely: 1) Tuesday, July 19, 2022, with socialization material and the practice of making eco enzymes. 2) Thursday, November 10, 2022, with socialization material and practice of making Eco Enzyme Detergent. The results of the development of one of the benefits of eco enzymes are Eco Enzyme Detergents, which are followed up with research related to the quality test results of EE Detergent washing results, SEE Detergents, and Chemical Detergents. Development of community service activities related to eco enzymes to advanced eco enzyme products will continue to be developed and researched, to provide optimal benefits to the community.
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