Mendukung Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) pada Sekolah sebagai Bentuk Aplikasi dari Kurikulum Merdeka
P5, Character, PancasilaAbstract
In education, efforts to improve student character must be made. One of the activities that follows the independent curriculum is the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile Project (P5). In this P5 activity, students are given training that can stimulate the emergence of soft skills, namely a sense of responsibility, discipline, independence, caring, and a feeling of love for the country. It is hoped that the young generation whose love for Indonesia has emerged will have a high enthusiasm to improve their quality, by studying harder, so that they can participate in efforts to defend this country to increase the prosperity of the nation and the Indonesian state. It is recommended that activities such as P5 or LDKS be carried out periodically, with material programs arranged systematically to achieve the goals. To achieve the objectives effectively and efficiently, an activity program must be prepared such as a Training Program Outline and Learning Process Plan with a gradual and continuous implementation system.
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