Pengoptimalan Pengelolaan Open Jurnal Sistem pada Jurnal di AAL menuju Akreditasi Sinta


  • Elias Moses Politeknik Angkatan Laut
  • Umi Salamah Politeknik Angkatan Laut
  • Donni Kartiko Politeknik Angkatan Laut
  • Danang Julianto Asosiasi Pengelolaan Jurnal Indonesia



sinta, Arjuna, Journal accreditation


This workshop on journal management for study programs at AAL was carried out with the Indonesian Journal Management Association (APJI) team from Semarang, the AAL PPM team, and the AAL study program journal management team. Workshop materials include: Scientific Article Substance Standards, Open Journal Systems (OJS) Guide Version 3 for Writers, Editors, and Bestari Partners, and Journal Accreditation Assessment on Management Aspects based on National Journal Accreditation Guidelines. The application of the workshop materials and study program managers carries out the following: 1) Prepare a roadmap for each journal, complete with time coverage and what the journal will be like in the long term.  2) start managing their respective e-journals from submission, review to publication, and 3) start preparing and managing journal Accreditation Submission Requirements in Arjuna, and this is the aim of carrying out this workshop activity. To make the management of study program e-journals more effective and efficient, several strategies have been implemented, namely: collaborating with the Indonesian Journal Management Association, intensive guidance on the management of study program journals from LPPM to each study program, preparing for registration with Arjuna in 2026.



Danang. (2022a). Panduan Open Journal Systems versi 3 untuk Penulis, Redaksi dan Mitra Bestari. Yayasan Drestanta Pelita Indonesia.

Danang. (2022b). Penilaian Akreditasi Jurnal pada Aspek Manajemen berdasarkan Pedoman Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional.

Prasetya, F. A. (2024). Standar Substansi Artikel Ilmiah dan Konsistensi Isi Naskah




How to Cite

Moses, E., Salamah, U., Kartiko, D., & Julianto, D. (2024). Pengoptimalan Pengelolaan Open Jurnal Sistem pada Jurnal di AAL menuju Akreditasi Sinta. Jurnal Naval Dedication : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat AAL, 3(1), 38–43.

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