Bersama Kita Peduli kepada Masyarakat Palestina




Palestine, donations, society


The lives of the Palestinian people who are in a state of war are indeed very worrying. The Indonesian Navy and other elements of society are trying to help provide donations in the form of food, clothing, drinks, medicines, and so on, which the Palestinian people need. Contributions are centralized in the Eastern Fleet. LPPM AAL participates in community service activities by informing, receiving, managing, and delivering donations to Palestine from individuals and organizations, then handing them over to the Eastern Fleet for further processing in delivery to Palestine. In the upcoming donation activity to Palestine, information will be disseminated to the wider community, so that more people will participate. Apart from that, it also provides opportunities for various forms of donations, which are needed by the Palestinian Community and are good items to use, so that these donations can help the Community optimally.



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Khan, Z. I. (2021). Siapa Orang Asli Palestina? : Sejarah Singkat Palestina Kuno dari Invasi Pertama Yahudi hingga Akhir Perang Salib (1220 SM-1359 SM). Pustaka Alvabet.

Nurul Fallah. (2024). Lazis Nurul Fallah, Tanggap Salurkan Bantuan untuk Palestina. Nurul Fallah.

Sekretaris Jenderal DPR RI. (n.d.). Grup Kerja Sama Bilateral (GKSB). 2019.

Toyota Lan Cuiser Indonesia. (2024). Toyota Lan Cuiser Indonesia, Peduli Sesama.




How to Cite

Juliadi, E., Kartiko, D., & Salamah, U. (2024). Bersama Kita Peduli kepada Masyarakat Palestina . Jurnal Naval Dedication : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat AAL, 3(1), 32–37.

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