Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Arsip-Arsip Guna Kelancaran Administrasi Umum dan Kesekretariatan di Akademi TNI Angkatan Laut
storage, archiving, disposalAbstract
The Naval Academy (Akademi TNI Angkatan Laut) is one of the units under the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) with a direct command line to the Navy Chief of Staff (Kasal). The academy has subunits responsible for secretarial duties, administration, and archive management, specifically the Secretariat (Bagset) and Administrative Office (Tata Usaha). The objective of this research is to examine how to optimize the storage and disposal of letters and archives to ensure the smooth operation of general administration and secretarial affairs at the Naval Academy. It explores the issues and analyzes the requirements for the storage and disposal of letters and archives at the Naval Academy. The research employs a qualitative method. The study concludes that the suboptimal management of letters and archives at the Naval Academy is due to the lack of directives on the disposal of letters and archives, inadequate infrastructure for archive destruction, and the absence of an electronic application program that qualifies letters and archives based on their validity period and stores archives in softcopy form. For the optimization of archive management to ensure smooth general administration and secretarial operations at the Naval Academy, the researcher proposes several recommendations for Bagset and the administrative offices of each unit at the Naval Academy. These include increasing the number of personnel in the archival section with formal education in archiving, improving archive destruction facilities, and developing an electronic application that can automatically classify archives.
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