Perancangan Pengarsipan Surat Menyurat di Departemen Suplai Guna Efisiensi Waktu Pencarian Surat
letter archiving, microsoft access, efficiencyAbstract
The role of letters within an organization is crucial, thus requiring effective management. Management of these letters must be swift, accurate, and precise according to the established correspondence procedures. One form of letter management for organizations, including the Naval Academy of the Indonesian Armed Forces, involves handling both incoming and outgoing mail. However, there are still aspects of letter management that have not been optimally implemented, such as unregistered archive arrangement, rendering it ineffective. To address these issues, the author developed an application program, namely Microsoft Access, with the aim of enhancing the archiving system at the Naval Academy of the Indonesian Armed Forces. This research focuses on designing a Microsoft Access application based on Windows, utilizing a literature review method to support data collection conducted at the Naval Academy campus. The research results indicate that: 1) The letter archiving system is stored in file format or ZIP extensions, which have good data compression standards to minimize human errors in archiving. 2) Computer-based letter archiving systems can facilitate the search for incoming and outgoing mail data, providing more accurate and timely information. 3) Computer-based letter archiving systems can streamline the process of processing incoming and outgoing mail data, archiving, and report generation. 4) Letter security is enhanced by using advanced Master Document Passwords.
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