Analisis Pemilihan Kapal Tanpa Awak Dengan Kemampuan Tindakan Perlawanan Ranjau di Koarmada II Guna Mendukung Tugas TNI Angkatan Laut
Unmanned Surface Vessels Ships, Mining Operations, Mine Countermeasures Operations, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)Abstract
Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV) have become a major focus in modern maritime technology for mine search and handling. Unmanned vessels are equipped with advanced sensors such as sonar and lidar to detect and map mines below the water's surface. In addition, image processing systems and artificial intelligence are used to analyze sensor data and identify mine locations with high accuracy. Once a mine is detected, the unmanned vessel is equipped with a mine handling system that can safely destroy or deactivate the mine. Thus, unmanned vessels are an effective and efficient solution in searching and handling mines in potentially dangerous waters. This study discusses the selection of unmanned vessels as a solution to search for and neutralize mines. This study was conducted quantitatively using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine recommendations for Unmanned Vessels with Mine Countermeasure capabilities to the Indonesian Navy. The results of the quantitative study showed the priority of the criteria that would later narrow down to the priority of selecting an Unmanned Vessel from several alternative choices analyzed by the researcher. Theoretically, all previous theories and studies can be used in this study so that they can be utilized in subsequent studies. While practically this study provides recommendations for the Indonesian Navy regarding the characteristics of the Unmanned Axe and various supporting equipment that can be used to carry out Mining Operations and Mine Countermeasures Operations. The calculation results in this study indicate that the priority of the alternative Unmanned Vessel with the highest Mine Countermeasures capability is obtained by Inspector 125 from France with a weight of 0.37450145.
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