Analisis Pemilihan Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pada KRI Kelas R.E. Martadinata Guna Meningkatkan Kemampuan Peperangan Anti Kapal Permukaan
UAV, R.E Martadinata class, AHP and SWOTAbstract
This thesis discusses the selection of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) that can be used by KRI R.E Martadinata class to help improve the ability of KRI R.E Martadinata class in carrying out operational tasks effectively and efficiently.The formulation of the problem in this study is the utilization of UAV technology through Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT) data analysis by first determining the UAV using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method so that the appropriate UAV is obtained and can be operated at the R.E Martadinata class KRI. This research discusses the selection of UAVs on the R.E Martadinata class KRI with various criteria owned by UAVs and briefly discusses the use of UAVs as a tool in warfare. This research uses capability theory as the main theory to analyze the use and advantages gained from the operation of UAVs in the R.E Martadinata class KRI with the support of sea power and interoperability theories. The quantitative research results show that the effective and efficient use of UAVs can improve the ability of the R.E Martadinata class KRI in anti-surface ship warfare. This research is expected to provide recommendations for the Navy on the utilization of UAV technology in anti-surface ship warfare operations using the R.E Martadinata class KRI.
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