Optimalisasi Program Cadet Exchange sebagai Peran Diplomasi TNI Al Guna Mewujudkan AAL sebagai World Class Naval Academy
Cadet Exchange, Diplomacy, SWOT Analysis, Optimization StrategyAbstract
The function of the Navy can be understood as a trinity, namely the idea of three-in-one reflected in the roles of military, diplomacy and polisinil. The implementation can be through the Cadet Exchange program which carries out the exchange of Cadets from friendly countries to AAL and from AAL to friendly countries with a certain period of time. The main purpose of this research is to determine the strategy so that the Cadet Exchange program can run optimally. This research was conducted by collecting respondents using a questionnaire with purposive sampling technique. The results of the study indicate that the Cadet Exchange program strategy is in quadrant 1, namely by implementing an aggressive strategy. With several strategies, namely good academic and foreign language skills of AAL cadets are maintained and improved in supporting the Cadet Exchange program, the Cadet Exchange program at AAL can support the realization of AAL as a World Class Naval Academy, good attention and communication between AAL institutions and cadets can help and facilitate the implementation of the Cadet Exchange program, and the development of communication technology through online (zoom meeting or google meet) can improve the Cadet Exchange program.
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