Analisis Pemilihan Underwater Surveillance System Guna Peningkatan Deteksi Dini Kapal Selam di Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) II
Underwater Monitoring System, Early Detection, SubmarineAbstract
This study examines the selection of an optimal underwater monitoring system for early detection of submarines in the ALKI II region. ALKI II is known as a strategic area that requires intensive monitoring to protect maritime security and national interests. The main focus of the study is to analyze various technical, operational, and economic factors that influence the selection of an underwater monitoring system. Through a comprehensive analysis approach, this study considers the detection capability, resolution, and adaptability of the diverse marine environment in the ALKI II region. Various types of underwater monitoring systems are evaluated, including passive sonar, active sonar, and visual monitoring systems. Passive sonar uses sound signal reception from targets, while active sonar sends signals and detects the reflected signals. Visual monitoring systems rely on cameras and other optical equipment. The decision to select a system is based on a thorough analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each system. Passive sonar, for example, excels in quiet environments but may be less effective in high sea noise. On the other hand, active sonar may be more accurate but can be detected by submarines equipped with anti-sonar technology. This study provides useful guidance for decision makers in determining the optimal underwater monitoring system for the ALKI II region. By considering technical, operational and economic factors, it is hoped that the results of this research can improve early detection capabilities for submarines and strengthen maritime security in the region.
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