Analisis Operasi Pertahanan Pantai Dengan Menggunakan UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
UAV, Coastal Defense Operations, TechnologyAbstract
Coastal defense operations require efficient and effective monitoring of activities along the coastline. The use of UAVs has become an attractive solution to improve this monitoring capability. This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the use of UAVs in coastal defense operations. The methods used include a literature survey on current UAV technologies, appropriate hardware and software, and effective monitoring methodologies. In addition, case studies of various UAV implementations in coastal defense operations are explored to understand their effectiveness and challenges. The results of the analysis indicate that UAVs have great potential in improving the monitoring capabilities of coastal defense operations. With the ability to cover large areas in a relatively short time, UAVs can provide accurate and real-time data on activities along the coastline, including intrusion detection, vessel movement monitoring, and environmental condition assessment. However, several challenges were also identified, including limited range and battery life, complex data integration, and privacy and security issues related to UAV data collection and use. To overcome these challenges, an approach involving the development of more modern UAV technologies and appropriate personnel training is needed.
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