Konsepsi Latihan Pertempuran Jarak Dekat (PJD) Berbasis Virtual Reality (VR) Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kemampuan Taktik Kondisi Tertentu Taruna Korps Marinir


  • Sandy Adi Pratama Taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut
  • Ari Eko Daryanto Taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut
  • Umi Salamah Taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut




Close combat, Tikkontu, Virtual Reality (VR), Technology


Close combat material is one of the materials from Tikkontu which is one of the learning materials for Naval Academy Cadets, especially Marine Corps Cadets. There is a possibility that close combat will become one of the new combat "arenas" that will occur in the future. Technological developments are also an important point that must be studied by cadets so that they can be utilized in the military field. This makes researchers innovate in combining Virtual Reality technology which is usually called Virtual Reality in close combat tactics training with the aim of getting an overview regarding PJD. This also teaches cadets who will graduate as dantons to innovate in combining technology that can improve their abilities in tactics. existing close combat. This aims to create more effective and efficient training by getting good combat visibility from the virtual world


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How to Cite

Sandy Adi Pratama, Ari Eko Daryanto, & Umi Salamah. (2024). Konsepsi Latihan Pertempuran Jarak Dekat (PJD) Berbasis Virtual Reality (VR) Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Kemampuan Taktik Kondisi Tertentu Taruna Korps Marinir. Amphibious Journal, 1(1), 01–35. https://doi.org/10.59447/amphibious.v1i1.16