Optimalisasi Latihan Para Dasar Taruna Korps Marinir Guna Mengurangi Resiko atau Bahaya Saat Exit, Mengemudi Dan Mendarat


  • Muh Anwar Taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut
  • Maryono Maryono Taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut
  • Kakung Priyambodo Taruna Akademi Angkatan Laut




Basics, Ground Training, static jump


The Marine Department is a Diploma IV study program - Land Aspect Marine Defense Management. This Study Program has the mission of providing education for Marine Corps cadets to become Marine Corps Officers who are able to carry out their duties as Marine Infantry Platoon Commanders who are professional, have a fighting spirit, are disciplined, proud, work hard and work smart and have high physical fitness. In the Marine Department Study Program, basic subjects are taught and trained. In an operation, moving and sending combat troops and equipment to a target area is something that is absolutely necessary. One way to move troops and equipment is by parachuting them in by airplane (static parachuting). The implementation of this static plunge contains quite high risks and dangers. So it is necessary to carry out basic training to prepare Marine soldiers to be ready to face all fields of assignment. The implementation of this static plunge contains quite high risks and dangers. So it is necessary to carry out basic training to prepare Marine soldiers to be ready to face all fields of assignment. Para Basic is a training that must be followed and mastered by Marine Corps AAL level III cadets. Para Basic training material includes Para Basic theory, Ground Training, day and night diving practice and armed diving.


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How to Cite

Muh Anwar, Maryono Maryono, & Kakung Priyambodo. (2024). Optimalisasi Latihan Para Dasar Taruna Korps Marinir Guna Mengurangi Resiko atau Bahaya Saat Exit, Mengemudi Dan Mendarat. Amphibious Journal, 1(1), 36–61. https://doi.org/10.59447/amphibious.v1i1.17