Optimalisasi Latihan Perang Lawan Gerilya Taruna Korps Marinir Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Penanggulangan Separatisme
War Training Against Guerillas, Separatism, Marine Corps CadetsAbstract
The Marine Corps is one of the TNI's Main Operations Commands (Kotama Ops) under the direct command of the TNI Commander. In the course of history, the Marine Corps has shown the Indonesian nation its capabilities as an amphibious landing force. To support this main task, the Marine Corps needs leaders who have the ability and skills to carry out their duties. In this case, the Naval Academy is an institution that has the function of forming prospective Indonesian Navy officers, including prospective Marine Corps officers who will later become leaders of the Marine Corps. Marine Corps cadets are required to be able to understand material in the field of military tactics, one of which is regarding tactics for certain conditions, namely war against guerrillas. The problems in this research are the lack of trainers and supporters in carrying out training, lack of facilities and infrastructure and lack of material received by cadets. The method used in this research is qualitative with management theory as a guide. The aim of this research is to optimize combat training against guerrillas with the aim of increasing the ability to overcome separatism for Marine Corps cadets so that after graduating from education they will become Dantons who are ready to be assigned to tackle the armed separatist movement. Based on the analysis that has been carried out, things that need to be optimized include increasing the number of trainers and supporters, updating facilities and infrastructure, using modern technology in carrying out training and establishing courses on counter-guerrilla warfare operations. The result of this research is an increase in the ability to deal with separatism of Marine Corps Cadets.
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