Optimalisasi Latihan Perang Gerilya Guna Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Taruna Korps Marinir
Guerrilla, Dikko, Guerrilla War TacticsAbstract
The Indonesian Navy Academy (AAL) is an Indonesian Navy educational institution that produces young Indonesian Navy officers who are tough and ready to be placed in KRI and in Marine Battalions throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. Level III Marine Corps Cadets carry out Dikko training for 3 months in the Banyuwangi area. In the training there is material on guerrilla warfare which is carried out in the guerrilla versus guerrilla stage by utilizing the surrounding area with residents as partisans for cadets who carry out guerrilla training, in this training the provision of material is given in theory and practice which is carried out around the population so that students can mingle with the surrounding population and can complete the tasks given by the trainer in accordance with the objectives of the training. There are two factors that can influence the guerrilla versus guerrilla material, namely internal and external factors, this factor greatly affects the results of the training carried out by cadets because there are geographical influences and weather influences, the trainer will look for a new location so that the training can be carried out in accordance with the objectives of the training. In the implementation of the training, the expected results are that all students can understand the material given by the trainer and can be applied in guerrilla versus guerrilla training. The results of the study using management theory (POAC) have been implemented in guerrilla warfare training at DIKKO but need to be optimized especially in planning, organizing and actuating. Optimization is carried out by providing material in class not only theory but with applicable and technical methods, in Dikko training, additional supporting personnel and training equipment are needed (for example, civilian clothing), the implementation of training at AAL is adjusted to TOP standards so that all stages of training can be carried out and can improve the knowledge of Marine Corps Cadets
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