Konsepsi Corporate Card Sebagai Uang Persediaan Guna Kelancaran Dukungan Keuangan Operasi Kri
corporate card, technology, financeAbstract
This paper discusses the creation of a concept for the mechanism of using Corporate cards as a form of advance payment, aimed at supporting financial operations in Indonesian Navy ships (KRI) to ensure smooth processes in preparing ships for sailing. With the development of the Ministry of Finance regulations, the payment mechanism for Advance Payment has changed, divided into two proportions: cash and credit cards. This research is a qualitative study with a descriptive design. The research results suggest that the need for further testing and evaluation of the use of Corporate cards in the Indonesian Navy environment. The expected outcome of this research is to bring new innovations in following technological developments to facilitate, accelerate, and overcome obstacles in financial support processes for KRI. Additionally, the presence of Corporate cards is expected to address financial issues and prevent new problems from arising due to the misuse of corporate card facilities in supporting ministerial/agency interests and not being used for personal interests.
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