Konsepsi Sistem Manajemen Pergudangan Melalui Fitur Software Pergudangan di Sub Direktorat Material dan Perbekalan di Akademi Angkatan Laut


  • Dita Ayu Wardani Akademi Angkatan Laut
  • Iwan Setiawan Muharif Akademi Angkatan Laut
  • Ari Tri Jurini Akademi Angkatan Laut




warehouse management, software features, online PUT system


The success of the Navy's main tasks is greatly determined by the availability of materials, so it can be said that the Indonesian Navy is an army of heavy materials (heavy materials). Therefore, the materials of the Indonesian Navy are operational tools and equipment that also determine the success of an operation of a warship (KRI). To ensure that these materials are ready for use and maintenance throughout their lifespan, maintenance is necessary. Logistic support, which includes supply support, is an element that also determines the final outcome of each operation carried out. The PUT (Penerima Untuk Terima) procedure for requesting supplies can be easily implemented using an application built with hardware, software, and supporting components. The hardware serves as a crucial component for running software developers and *apk on devices. Software acts as a command in programming languages, executing various commands. The supporting component is physical warehouse data when requesting supplies, which gives software XAMPP commands within the hardware. Therefore, it is necessary to have sufficient supporting software that can be installed on a computer, requiring additional internet costs to open the warehouse management system application. Additionally, it is also necessary to have experts who understand online warehouse systems and job adjustments that were originally performed manually to be computerized. The research results show that the use of a computer-based lesson supply control system with Android technology as the medium for lesson supply requests is quite good and easy to manage in terms of distribution and management of each lesson supply request. With the lesson supply system, timely accuracy during PUT (Penerima Untuk Terima) is beneficial for Subdismatbek, warehouses, and Kadeplog in using lesson supplies. The application still requires constructive suggestions for improvement in the future.



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How to Cite

Dita Ayu Wardani, Iwan Setiawan Muharif, & Ari Tri Jurini. (2024). Konsepsi Sistem Manajemen Pergudangan Melalui Fitur Software Pergudangan di Sub Direktorat Material dan Perbekalan di Akademi Angkatan Laut. MALFINA : Maritime Logistics and Financial Journal, 1(1), 01–20. https://doi.org/10.59447/malfina.v1i1.6