Optimalisasi Sistem Informasi Inventory Control di Primkopal Akademi Angkatan Laut


  • Rachmat Jaya Pratama Akademi Angkatan Laut
  • Anita Luswati Akademi Angkatan Lau
  • Dhanang Ghofur Akademi Angkatan Lau




information system, inventory control, Primkopal Naval Academy


Primkopal Naval Academy operates in the field of trade or the provision of goods and services and requires an effective inventory control system. Effective inventory control ensures that the cooperative has sufficient stock to meet the needs of its members without experiencing excess or shortage of inventory that can negatively impact the cooperative's operations and finances. Nevertheless, implementing an effective inventory control system in the cooperative is not without challenges. Factors such as demand uncertainty, price fluctuations, resource limitations, and the ability of cooperative members to adapt to technological changes can pose obstacles to optimal inventory control implementation. Therefore, the cooperative needs to develop a comprehensive strategy and involve all relevant parties to ensure that inventory management runs smoothly and provides maximum benefits for the cooperative and its members. The aim of this research is to provide suggestions to the leadership of the Naval Academy to control and limit the goods that enter and exit Primkopal AAL. The research method uses a qualitative approach to understand the existing problems by approaching the research subjects through interviews with related sources and observations to solve the problems. The research results indicate that the inventory control system at Primkopal AAL is already functioning well, but it still needs to be optimized. Things that can be done include using a time-ordering system, organizing items in the warehouse according to their type, and creating stock cards for inventory.


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How to Cite

Rachmat Jaya Pratama, Anita Luswati, & Dhanang Ghofur. (2024). Optimalisasi Sistem Informasi Inventory Control di Primkopal Akademi Angkatan Laut. MALFINA : Maritime Logistics and Financial Journal, 1(1), 52–57. https://doi.org/10.59447/malfina.v1i1.10

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