Konsepsi Monitoring Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan Guna Meningkatkan Percepatan Daya Serap Anggaran Akademi TNI Angkatan Laut
accountability report, integrated information system, financial absorptionAbstract
Delays in reporting accountability result in inefficient absorption of funds and budgets. Therefore, a study was conducted to investigate the causes of these delays in accountability reports. Based on interviews with two staff members closely involved with the accountability reports, the main causes of the delays were identified: lack of knowledge about the regulations for preparing financial accountability reports and the influence of delays in report preparation. The communication for monitoring the reports is done via mobile phones, indicating that the monitoring and control processes are still manual. This research uses the Assure Model development method, starting with data analysis of the current conditions at the Indonesian Naval Academy, followed by setting standards and objectives to determine whether financial absorption optimization has been achieved. The next step involves modifying the system in use and determining the necessary application for optimization, which is then tested and re-evaluated. The review of this method concludes that an integrated information system based on an ERP-SAP (Enterprise Resource Planning-System Application And Product) application is needed. This system would eliminate the time gap between report submission and accountability review, thus improving budget absorption with an application-based monitoring concept.
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