Konsepsi Standarisasi Nilai Kelulusan Alcpt Taruna Akademi Tni Angkatan Laut Guna Mendukung World Class Academy
graduation score standards, cadets, ALCPTAbstract
This research aims to explore, analyze, and formulate ALCPT passing score standards for prospective officers graduating from the Naval Academy regarding improving the quality and abilities of AAL cadets as well as improving the quality of the Naval Academy Institute. This research uses a Development or Research and Development approach. The findings of this research indicate that the ALCPT passing score standards are focused on the skills to read and understand question texts that are linear and relevant to the future needs of cadets. So that cadets after completing their education at the Naval Academy are ready to become officers who master English both theoretically and practically, even in understanding grammar. So, the standard ALCPT passing score for AAL Cadets can be a reference or basis for cadets to improve their English language skills in later service so that English is positioned as the main medium in international communication. These findings have implications for the importance of academic policy from the leadership of the Naval Academy, in this case, the Governor of AAL, for developing curriculum, syllabus, teaching materials, learning strategies, and methodologies, as an effort to formulate standards for ALCPT cadet passing scores.
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